Wednesday, June 20, 2012

so. much. dessert.

today it was over 96 degrees in boston. 96!!
yesterday was in the 70's, and then all of the sudden,
heat wave.

so when mike met me after work we decided that we needed to get to an AC, stat.
we ended up at the chart house restaurant.
we cooled down and ordered clam chowder (crazy, i know, but it is becoming my favorite food) 
but we had to send it back because it tasted like what i 
think cleaning supplies would taste like.

then we decided to order the molten lava cake.
we waited 45 minutes for the lava cake.
we probably won't be going back to the chart house.

after we got home and relaxed for a little, we decided to walk to the pier near
our apartment and get ICE CREAM. 
seriously, we're the worst.
so we didn't have dinner. 
just cake and ice cream.

not a great picture but that's my
ice cream and in the 
background are some boats
and you can see the lights of boston.
fun :)

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